AI Prompts: Primary vs Caucus vs General Election

Discover the key differences between a primary, caucus, general election, and more. Learn how to participate, and understand their role in shaping the presidential race. Whether you’re curious about party nominations or the ultimate showdown in the general election, these AI prompts have you covered.

Note: Simply replace MYSTATE with the state you live in or wish to use as an example (where applicable).


Please provide a simple explanation, suitable for a sixth grader, about the various types of primary elections in the US. These include closed, partially closed, partially open, open to unaffiliated voters, open, and multi-party. Please present this information as a bullet point list. After that, tell me what type of primary election is conducted in MYSTATE.

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Please explain in a simple way what a caucus is and how it operates in the US.

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Please explain in a simple way the difference between a caucus and a primary.

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Please explain in a simple way how I participate in my state's caucus. I live in MYSTATE.

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Please explain in a simple way how delegates are awarded in a US Presidential primary or caucus. How delegates are awarded include 1. Winner-Take-All, 2. Proportional, and 3. Winner-Take-Most. Show me an illustration of each way delegates are awarded. Tell me how delegates are awarded in MYSTATE.

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Please explain in a simple way the difference between a primary or caucus, and the general election in the US?

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Please explain in a simple way the difference between a primary, caucus and convention in the US.

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Please explain in a simple way why if I don't vote in a US primary or caucus, I can still vote in November's general election.

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Please explain in a simple way, and with a bullet point list of all the reasons (e.g. down ballot races and top-two primary winners in states like California), why a US primary still takes place with one candidate left in the race.

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Remember, it’s important to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy. These early stage AI's can generate biased or incomplete responses. Have fun! 😃

Election Day: A Tuesday in November?

Please explain why federal elections in the United States are held on the first Tuesday of November. What is the historical significance of this day and why was it chosen for elections?
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Thomas Jefferson
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

- Thomas Jefferson

Who can I vote for?

In the United States, is it mandatory to vote for the candidate of the political party I am registered with?
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Order of Succession?

Please explain the order of succession in the United States if the President dies, becomes incapacitated, or is otherwise unable to complete their term of office.
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John Adams
"Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases."

- John Adams

Switching Parties & Voting

In the United States, how does changing my political party affiliation affect my voting rights in primary elections, caucuses, and general elections? Please provide details for each type of election.
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