Investigate Your Reps 2: AI Prompt Guide to Federal, State, Local Leaders

Explore in-depth, detailed profiles of politicians, covering their educational background, professional experience, party affiliation, policy positions, views on key issues, achievements, controversies, advisors, donors, poll performance, foreign policy stance, endorsements, and voting record. Get informed and make an empowered choice with these AI prompts.

AI Prompt Series: Investigate Your Reps: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Rep vs. Rep

Note: Simply replace POLITICIAN (below) with the name of the politician.

One Big Prompt

Provide a comprehensive profile including educational background, professional experience, political party affiliation, key policy positions, views on all major issues (such as immigration, healthcare, economic policies, education policies, gun policies, climate change, and social issues), notable achievements, controversies or scandals, key advisors and campaign staff, major campaign donors, performance in the polls, stance on foreign policy, endorsements received, and voting record in previous political roles for POLITICIAN.

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Individual Prompts

What is POLITICIAN's political party affiliation?

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What is POLITICIAN's educational background?

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What is POLITICIAN's professional experience prior to running for office?

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What are POLITICIAN's key policy positions?

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What are POLITICIAN's views on healthcare?

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What are POLITICIAN's views on climate change and environmental policies?

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What are POLITICIAN's views on economic policies and taxation?

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What are POLITICIAN's views on immigration?

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What are POLITICIAN's views on education policies?

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What are POLITICIAN's views on gun control?

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What are POLITICIAN's views on social issues (e.g., women's rights, racial equality)?

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What are some notable achievements of POLITICIAN?

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What controversies or scandals has POLITICIAN been involved in?

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Who are POLITICIAN's key advisors and campaign staff?

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Who are POLITICIAN's major campaign donors?

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How does POLITICIAN perform in the polls?

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What is POLITICIAN's stance on foreign policy?

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What endorsements has POLITICIAN received?

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What is POLITICIAN's voting record in previous political roles?

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AI Image prompt: please create an image using classic symbolism of a private detective (e.g. magnifying glass) with a USA style red, white and blue color scheme in a 16:9 aspect ratio.

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Remember, it’s important to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy. These early stage AI's can generate biased or incomplete responses. Have fun! 😃

Election Day: A Tuesday in November?

Please explain why federal elections in the United States are held on the first Tuesday of November. What is the historical significance of this day and why was it chosen for elections?
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Thomas Jefferson
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

- Thomas Jefferson

Who can I vote for?

In the United States, is it mandatory to vote for the candidate of the political party I am registered with?
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Order of Succession?

Please explain the order of succession in the United States if the President dies, becomes incapacitated, or is otherwise unable to complete their term of office.
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John Adams
"Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases."

- John Adams

Switching Parties & Voting

In the United States, how does changing my political party affiliation affect my voting rights in primary elections, caucuses, and general elections? Please provide details for each type of election.
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