Investigate Your Reps 1: AI Prompt Guide to Federal, State, Local Leaders

Discover detailed information about your elected representatives, including their party affiliation, district, educational and employment backgrounds, net worth, terms served, awards, achievements, committee memberships, stance on key issues, voting records, official government URLs, campaign links, and social media profiles. Stay informed and engaged with this essential AI prompt resource.

AI Prompt Series: Investigate Your Reps: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Rep vs. Rep


Topic: Comprehensive information about all current federal (US Senate, US House of Representatives), state (State Senator, State Representative), and local representatives for [my zip code]. The information should be presented in a detailed bullet point list for each representative, including:

1. Age

2. Party Affiliation

3. The district they currently represent

4. Brief Educational Background

5. Brief Employment Background

6. Estimated Current Net worth (in US Dollars)

7. The number of terms they have served

8. The start and end dates for each of their previous terms

9. The start and end dates of the current term

10. Any upcoming elections they will be participating in

11. Any awards or honors they have received

12. Any notable achievements or contributions made by the representative

13. The committees they are part of

14. Their stance on key issues

15. Their voting record on key issues

16. Official Government URL in Member Directory

17. Campaign URL

18. Social Media Information (including all major platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)

19. Their contact information (if publicly available)

[my zip code] = 33432

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Topic: Comprehensive information about all current federal (US Senate, US House of Representatives), state (State Senator, State Representative), and local representatives for [my zip code]. The information should be presented in a detailed bullet point list for each representative, including: 1. Age, 2. Party Affiliation, 3. The district they currently represent, 4. Brief Educational Background, 5. Brief Employment Background, 6. Estimated Current Net worth (in US Dollars), 7. The number of terms they have served, 8. The start and end dates for each of their previous terms, 9. The start and end dates of the current term, 10. Any upcoming elections they will be participating in, 11. Any awards or honors they have received, 12. Any notable achievements or contributions made by the representative, 13. The committees they are part of, 14. Their stance on key issues, 15. Their voting record on key issues, 16. Official Government URL in Member Directory, 17. Campaign URL, 18. Social Media Information (including all major platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.), and 19. Their contact information (if publicly available) [my zip code] = 33432

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AI Image prompt: please create an image using classic symbolism of a private detective (e.g. magnifying glass) with a USA style red, white and blue color scheme in a 16:9 aspect ratio.

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Remember, it’s important to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy. These early stage AI's can generate biased or incomplete responses. Have fun! 😃

Election Day: A Tuesday in November?

Please explain why federal elections in the United States are held on the first Tuesday of November. What is the historical significance of this day and why was it chosen for elections?
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Thomas Jefferson
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

- Thomas Jefferson

Who can I vote for?

In the United States, is it mandatory to vote for the candidate of the political party I am registered with?
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Order of Succession?

Please explain the order of succession in the United States if the President dies, becomes incapacitated, or is otherwise unable to complete their term of office.
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John Adams
"Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases."

- John Adams

Switching Parties & Voting

In the United States, how does changing my political party affiliation affect my voting rights in primary elections, caucuses, and general elections? Please provide details for each type of election.
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